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Camps: Youth

Focusing on our Youth

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Day Camp 兒童日營

Day Camp 2024: Glow in the Dark

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Isaiah 41:10


Day Camp 2024 has ended!

We've loved having your children as our campers these past 5 weeks! We would love to see you on Sundays too. Our SS teacher Ben goh goh teaches the elementary classes (2nd-5th) on the 4th floor and the 6th-8th graders are on the 3rd floor from 10:00-12:30 every Sunday. There are worship services for the adults at 10:00am (Cantonese) and 11:30am (English).


Let us know if you have any questions and hope to see you! Otherwise, see you next summer. Registration info is available March 2025 :D


不要害怕,因為我與你同在; 不要驚惶,因為我是你的神。
我必堅固你,幫助你, 用我公義的右手扶持你。以賽亞書 41:10



在過去的五週裡,我們很高興您的孩子成為我們的營友!我們也很樂意在週日見到您。我們的主日學老師Ben 哥哥每週日10:00-12:30在四樓教授小學課程(2-5年級),而6-8年級學生在三樓上課。上午十時(粵語)和上午 11:30(英語)有成人崇拜活動。


否則,明年夏天見。註冊資訊將於2025 年 3 月提供 :D

Youth Camp 青少年營

Youth Camp 2024 Registration is FULL!
If you missed registration, please email us at to be put on a waiting list. 


Our theme this year is "What is Love?"
based on Matthew 22:37-39

2024 年青少年營經已額滿!

基於馬太福音 22:37-39

(415) 857-3226

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