Give 奉獻
Ways to Give 奉獻途徑
PayPal 網上奉獻
Clicking Submit will take you to FCBC PayPal Giving Fund page 單擊“提交”按鈕將帶您進入FCBC Paypal捐贈頁面。
Please fill out the form below so we can know where to direct your donation. Clicking the SUBMIT button will take you to the FCBC PayPal Giving Fund page. Please note the PayPal Giving Fund is only for donations, do not use it to pay for camps or materials, etc.
請填寫下面的表格,以便我們知道您指定的獻金用途。單擊“提交”按鈕將帶您進入FCBC Paypal捐贈頁面。請留意本頁僅適用於奉獻捐贈,請勿用於支付其他費用如營會或查經班資料等。
If you would like to receive your donation receipt for tax purposes, please use your PayPal account & check box “Share my name and email with this charity.” Otherwise, your donation will be sent to FCBC as “Anonymous”.
如果您沒有PayPal帳戶,請註冊設立帳戶並勾選Share my name and email with this charity. 允許PayPal透露你的姓名和電郵。否則它將以匿名的形式向我們發送您的捐款。這樣我們無法提供正確年結報告給您。

Bill Pay, Check or Stock Donation
賬單支付/支票/ 捐贈股票作奉獻
Bill Pay or Check 賬單支付/支票
Please send checks via mail or through your bank's bill pay to:
支票抬頭請寫FCBC,郵寄或透過銀行的賬單支付Bill Pay服務將支票寄到教會。
1 Waverly Pl
San Francisco CA 94108
using your envelope number as account number. For your envelope number, email donate@fcbc-sf.org.

Gifts of Stocks 捐贈股票作奉獻
Below is our account information to provide your broker to transfer the stock gift to our account:
Broker 經紀: Charles Schwab
Organization 機構: First Chinese Baptist Church
Address 地址: 1 Waverly Pl., San Francisco, CA 94108
Account 賬號 # 9774-4585
DTC # 0164, Code 40
Please email donate@fcbc-sf.org with your name, the name of the company, and the number of shares you are donating so that we can apply and acknowledge your donation.
請把你的姓名、所用的公司、捐贈股票數目電郵到 donate@fcbc-sf.org 以便我們確認你的奉獻。