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Nate Lee 李偉俊傳道

Next Gen Pastor 下代牧者

Nate (he/him) is a 3rd generation Chinese American who grew up in Daly City and spent many summers in SF Chinatown at FCBC's summer Day Camp program, where he found faith, belonging, and a love for the neighborhood where his parents grew up. Nate was a social worker in SF before attending Yale Divinity School for his Master of Divinity. Nate also lived in Hong Kong for a couple years, where he studied at the Divinity School of Chung Chi College, practiced his Cantonese, and met his wife. Nate loves the Warriors, Niners, 70s soul music, BBQs, and Yin Du Noodle on Pacific Ave.

李偉俊傳道是第三代美籍華人,在帝利市長大,並在三藩市華埠參加FCBC 的兒童日營計劃度過了許多個夏季,在這裡他找到了信仰、歸屬感以及對父母長大的社區的熱愛。李傳道(Nate)在進入耶魯大學神學院攻讀神學碩士學位之前,曾是三藩市的一名社會工作者。李傳道(Nate)還在香港生活了幾年,在香港中文大學崇基學院神學院學習,練習粵語,並認識了他的妻子。李傳道(Nate)喜歡金州勇士隊、三藩市淘金者隊、70年代爵士靈歌、燒烤和柏思域大道上的銀都雲吞面。

(415) 857-3226

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